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Desert Island Discworld

Apr 26, 2020

Lead writer and CEO of video game studio Die Gute Fabrik, Hannah Nicklin, visits the island to talk about creating work across media, the interaction of class and communities and the 38th Discworld novel, I Shall Wear Midnight.

Visit Desert Island Discworld at, on Twitter at...

Apr 19, 2020


Guardian Technology Editor Alex Hern visits the island to talk about radical politics in technocratic societies, the online rise of conspiracy theories and the 29th Discworld novel, Night Watch.

Visit Desert Island Discworld at, on Twitter at @DIDiscworld, or contact us at...

Apr 12, 2020

Podcaster, writer, producer and game designer James D'Amato visits the island to talk about the lessons of improv comedy, the importance of inclusivity in games and the 30th Discworld novel, The Wee Free Men.

Visit Desert Island Discworld at, on Twitter at @DIDiscworld, or contact us at...

Apr 5, 2020


Podcaster Jo Graham joins us on the island to talk about the forgotten women of professional wrestling, cowardly heroes and the first Discworld novel, The Colour of Magic.

Visit Desert Island Discworld at, on Twitter at @DIDiscworld, or contact us at...